Former Congresswoman and 2008 Presidential candidate
Cynthia McKinney - Featured speaker
NAACP Benton Harbor 2nd Annual
Freedom Fund Dinner
Oct. 8, 2011, 7pm (doors open 6pm)
Lake Michigan College
2755 E. Napier Ave.
Benton Harbor, MI
$50 dollars donation
includes dinner
200 tickets total - reply soon!
contact Rev. Edward Pinkney 269-925-0001
make checks to
1940 Union St.
Benton Harbor, MI 49022
Statement by legendary Detroit activist General Gordon Baker: The Rev. Pinkney's victory in the courts of Benton Harbor marks a great triumph for the trade union movement as a whole in the U.S. and particularly for the social movement throughout the state of Michigan and the whole country. Clearly, it was in the interest of Whirlpool Corporation to silence a voice like Rev Pinkney so the property Whirlpool needed could be acquired with little opposition.
Rev. Pinkney accelerated the struggle against corporate control of our lives and offers new hope for the people of Benton Harbor.