We continue to honor the work and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. In 1963, Dr. King shared a prophetic speech to millions of people: "I Have A Dream." In his statement, he quoted the Old Testament Prophet Amos: "But let justice run down like water, and righteousness like a mighty stream."
Dr. King's dream was to see justice prevail as a mighty flood that washes away injustice, hatred and racism. But now 53 years later we find ourselves still in a state of emergency of prejudice and racism. Our lives are still in jeopardy. We're fighting a war against Fascism. It is a toxic relationship of a corporation and government. It's a relationship formed from the pit of hell; an organized criminal enterprise who have caused injury to justice and human rights everywhere. They use any means necessary to destroy humanity with contamination of water - generation - false imprisonment - police brutality - homelessness and poverty.
The corrupt government and their house slaves are all guilty of committing fraudulent acts against those who oppose them. Such as my husband, Rev Pinkney, an ordained minister of the gospel, an activist for justice and equality. A political prisoner who exercised his political rights as a citizen of Berrien County to initiate a recall petition against James Hightower, who was mayor at that time of Benton Harbor. Because Rev. Pinkney was successful, he became a selected target of Whirlpool and Berrien County Government. He was accused of changing five dates on the recall petition. He was convicted in Berrien County kangaroo court with no evidence, no witnesses. He was found guilty by an all-white tainted jury for a crime that Whirlpool, Judge Schrock, Prosecutor Mike Sepic and the sheriff's department created to silence my husband's voice. He was sentenced in Dec. 2014 to two-and-a-half to ten years. Since then he has been transferred from prison to prison. Today he has served 399 days, and he currently remains in Marquette Branch Prison, 500 miles from home. He has been subjected to inhumane conditions of black mold, constantly harassed, threatened and intimidated by racist guards, phone privileges taken away by the warden, accused of smuggling information to me, incoming and outgoing mail tampered with and written several bogus tickets. Each day is a struggle for survival for him.
Many supporters have made the phone call to MDOC regarding his safety, PLEASE continue to make the phone calls. Governor Snyder refuses to meet with supporters concerning these issues. His trial case is in the Court of Appeals, and there's nothing listed on their court docket yet.
Let me leave this with you in closing: Proverbs 29:18 says "Where there is no vision the people perish."
And our vision today is to cause this corrupt criminal enterprise system to be exposed, and we demand that the real criminals go to jail. Then and only then will we see justice prevail. Thanks.
-Dorothy Pinkney