Sunday, August 10, 2014

Pinkney to bring criminal charges against Berrien County Elections Administrator and Deputy Sheriff

I will be filing criminal charges against Berrien County elections administrator Carolyn Toliver and sheriff deputy David Zizkovsky. 

Toliver removed more than one hundred good signatures to stop the mayoral recall election organized by Benton Harbor and Benton Township residents, including duplicates, dismissing both signatures. On the Berrien County website it states that when duplicate signatures occur, the latest signature with the latest date is invalid.

Toliver testified on Aug. 7, 2014 that deputy Zizkovsky had no warrant, no subpoena, no judicial order -- but she gave him the original mayoral recall petition any way. 

The Law is clear:  All official books or records created by or received in any office or agency of the State of Michigan or it's political subdivision are declared to be public property, belonging to the people of the State of Michigan. No books, records, or files shall be removed from the office of the custodian thereof, except by order of the judge of any court of competent jurisdictions, or in response to a subpoena with permission of the official having custody of the records.

Michigan Court Law under 750.491 and Michigan Court Law under 750.492 have been violated.  Criminal charges will be filed on Wednesday, August 13.  It is a misdemeanor, punishable by imprisonment for not more than 2 years, or by a fine of not more than $1000.00 dollars.
Benton Harbor citizens' constitutional rights have been violated.
Benton Harbor is under surveillance and it's not an overstatement to say it's under occupation.  A territory under occupation gradually instills a deep sense of fear in the people who inhabit it.  Over time, persistent fear wreaks havoc on peoples' relationships, way of life, peace of mind, etc.  Proof of the occupation of Benton Harbor can be seen by driving through the town -- almost a ghost town.  Those who have not been imprisoned or driven out by the Whirlpool-owned courthouse rarely leave home.  The streets have been made unsafe by Whirlpool-owned law enforcement agencies.

Some of those who carry out the Whirlpool-directed corruption and Benton Harbor occupation are US Rep. Fred Upton, many Whirlpool officials, prosecutor Mike Sepic, sheriff Paul Bailey, deputy David Zizkovsky, county clerk Sharon Tyler, elections administrator Carolyn Toliver, and mayor James Hightower.

We need help from people outside this county. 

How long will state agencies be controlled by the Whirlpool Corporation?

Rev. Pinkney will bring criminal charges against Berrien County elections administrator Toliver and sheriff deputy Zizkovsky this Wednesday.

Rev. Edward Pinkney