Monday, April 21, 2008

Golf Course Offers 9 (yes, nine) Jobs to Benton Harbor

West Michigan News Company,

Howard Zinn, retired Boston University history professor, in his Peoples History of the U.S. correctly identified what happened at the public comments meeting on the takeover of Jean Klock Park. When the white man landed on the east coast, they took advantage of the Indian by stealing their property and used black and white slaves to work it and steal the fruits of their labors. It did not take long before slaves outnumbered the wealthy few, and these slave owners were in fear of a slave revolt. They had a stroke of genius: Lets pit the white slaves against the black slaves. This provided the buffer they needed to steal all the real wealth for themselves. This was the origination of what we now call "racism".

At the public hearing in BH last Thursday I watched speakers from St. Joseph and a few from Benton Harbor get up and push the Harbor Shores project, while the people from Benton Harbor got up and spoke against it with all the knowledge that centuries of abuse by the white, wealthy elite would win out again. I got up and spoke about the financial aspects of the deal. With the investment income from $120 million, you could hire anywhere from 200 to 500 full time workers averaging $30,000 per year in Benton Harbor to clean up the city and make it a fine resort area. Put that up against the 22 seasonal jobs at the golf course guaranteed by Harbor Shores of which only 40%, or 9 jobs are guaranteed for Benton Harbor residents. These 9 jobs they are offering is a slap in the face of every Benton Harbor resident. My plan helps the people who need it the most, while Whirlpool's plan keeps the residents in slave status providing a private golf course for themselves.

History really is not changing at all. There is still "racism" divided by the St. Joe river dividing the two cities. Once the white slaves realize that less than 1% of the world's population controls 60% of it's resources, the slave owners are in for a major slave revolt. --Pat Foster