Saturday, February 23, 2008

Kalamazoo City Commissioner and Battle Creek Activist Convene Community Forum to Address Citizens’ Rights

Kalamazoo City Commissioner Stephanie Moore has collaborated with grassroots activist in Battle Creek to host a community forum, “Know Your Rights: Interacting with the Police.” The purpose of the forum is to educate the community regarding their rights when interacting with police when walking, while driving, at school, and in your home.

Monday, February 25, 2008, from 5:30-7:30 pm at Macedonia Baptist Church, 636 W. Van Buren, Battle Creek, Michigan. The Forum is free and open to the community.

Panelist include: The Honorable Deborah Thomas, Wayne County Circuit Judge; Mark Fancher, Attorney ACLU Michigan; Bill Knapp, Director of Tri-County Labor Agency; E. Dorphine Payne , Criminal Defense Attorney; Wilson P. Tanner PLC of Ann Arbor, Michigan; and Brian H. White, Chair Power in the Hood Campaign, Detroit Michigan.

“This forum is not intended to solve or address any one particular case. This forum is designed to offer general principles so citizens can better know their rights to encourage more positive interactions with law enforcement officers that may avoid confrontation, minimize problems and lessen the likelihood of arrest,” says Commissioner Stephanie Moore.

Moderated by Battle Creek native and community activist Ms. Dorothy Young ; the goal of the Forum is to ensure accountability and increase trust and understanding between police and the community. The panel of experts will assist in sharing with the community the dos and the don’ts when it comes to dealing with law enforcement.

“I’m aware that a lot of good people are doing a lot of great things to make our community a safe, prosperous and productive community. This forum is just one way of building stronger bridges between citizens and police,” says Ms. Dorothy Young .

The Forum is co-sponsored by Phenix Concepts, the Battle Creek A. Philip Randolph Institute, ACLU of Michigan, the Power in the Hood Campaign and Commissioner Stephanie Moore.

Contact: Commissioner Stephanie Moore, 269 998-0336 /
Ms. Dorothy Young, 269 274-6129 /

Stephanie Moore
"Let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a mighty stream! Amos 5:24 niv