DETROIT (March 14, 2013) Today is a sad day for the Barrow family, its ancestors and for the city of my birth. Today, conservative extremists, headed by a governor who fooled a majority progressive state, takes the Democracy of my city and I am saddened. Now, over 50% of Michigan African Americans are needlessly under state control. Only the naive will believe it has to do with some kind of fiscal emergency for I know that none truly exists. No my friends, it has to do with Detroit's assets.
Some reading this post disagree and openly applaud and welcome this take over, not realizing or understanding that it signals your own democratic demise. As the governor takes our city and its assets,
I am reminded of the unjust Jim Crow laws from decades ago. Those unjust laws are as much a part of our history as was the unhappy years of slavery and must never be forgotten or disregarded. When we disregard that history and ignore that the ancestors of those who created those unjust Jim Crow laws back then were raised by those law's creators and are today in many positions of leadership with that same mindset, we are destined for political impotence.
No my fellow Detroiters, you must never stop resisting for now Detroit, we will be given a Master...makes no difference the color of the face in front of you, for behind that face is the true Master. No my fair minded fellow Detroiters everywhere, while I am saddened, I am also angry for we are being falsely oppressed based upon a phoney...faux...non-existent fiscal emergency rooted in an unjust law which is nothing short of a Jim Crowesque abuse of law. PA4 was rejected and an unjust successor was created to oppress.
My friends, if we did not know why in 2009 the Wayne County Canvassers disregarded 60,000 ballots in a Mayoral contest where only 9,500 would alter the result because case seals had been changed, we should all know now.
Finally, over the next few weeks my family and I shall decide our future in Detroit....for now more than ever we need strength of leadership as Livonia's Michael Duggan has been sent and he is in the temple, chosen to become Bing 2.0 and complete the take over circle.