The African American Voice is proud to provide our readers and individuals seeking justice and equality with this resource list. I often hear from people with complaints and have tried to get help from the NAACP. The stories are the same, "I went to the NAACP, they didn't help me." Some one told me to call Mr. Tucker. I urge you to take action by filing formal complaints with federal agencies that have the power to hold institutions accountable. Please stop complaining and file a formal complaint. These agencies are very effective.
US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
Denver Field Office
303 E. 17th Avenue Suite 410
Denver, Colorado 80203
Contact: 1.800.669.4000
Investigate employment discrimination.....
US Department of Education
400 Maryland Avenue
Washington, DC
Contact: 1.800.872.5327
Enforce civil rights laws and ensure equal access to education....
US Department of Justice
Civil Rights Division
950 Pennsylvania Avenue Room 4706
Washington, DC
Contact: 1.202.514.4609
Enforce federal statues......
US Department of Labor
200 Constitution Avenue NW
Washington, DC
Contact: 1.866.4USA DOL (number)
Assure work related benefits and rights.......
The Federal Communication Commission (FCC)
445 12th Street SW
Washington, DC 20554
Contact: 1.888.225.5322
Handle complaints related to TV, Radio, Cable, Wireless, Telephone, Satellite issues, etc..
Publisher's Note:
Stop wasting your time with the NAACP and tell them to stop exploiting members.......
Tell them to stop taking money from corporate america and misrepresenting our ancestors.
For more information on the NAACP exploitation of members, please call Rev. Edward Pinkney at 1.269.925.0001 or listen to Pinkney & Pinkney on Sundays - 5:00 pm Eastern Time - 3:00 pm Mountain Time.
According to Rev. Edward Pinkney, the NAACP is a total sell-out. The African American for Justice movement primary focus is on demanding accountability. Rev Pinkney is leading a new movement - "Burn Baby Burn - (Your membership card). He is informing the public about the NAACP ongoing disrespect to the Black community....