Information contributed by Rev. Edward Pinkney
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According to the Rev. Pinkney, “People from all over the US and world participated. Represented were Colorado, NY, Vermont, Denmark, Mexico, Columbia, Costa Rica, and more.”
Occupy The PGA – Modified Plans
Thurs. & Fri. May 24, 25 Rally only
Arrive between 10 – 10:30am, Benton Harbor City Hall, 200 E. Wall St.
Death March Sat. May 26 (Big Day), possibly Sun. also
Arrive between 10-10:30am
Of the previous day’s march, Pinkney said, “It was a non-violent and powerful protest of gentrification, exploitation, and undermining of democracy and human rights by: Harbor Shores, KitchenAid, Whirlpool, PGA, and the state of Michigan and local government. And, the Berrien County Court and county law enforcement which terrorize (not too strong a word) Benton Harbor residents on a daily basis.”
According to the Rev. Pinkney: Concerned citizens of Benton Harbor demand: Transfer 25% of the 2012 Senior PGA profits to the citizens of Benton Harbor as partial rightful compensation for stolen land and water and for the purpose of meeting budget deficits and building affordable housing for the people of Benton Harbor.
Protesters are encouraged to wear all black; for the Saturday and Sunday march, participants are asked to bring kites.
Demonstrate in protest of land stolen by Whirlpool Corporation.
http://OccupyThePGA.wordpress. com Twitter HashTag #OccupyThePGA Facebook Event Page
Rev. Edward Pinkney, 269-925-0001