All in the Family
Fred Upton, heir to Whirlpool, has a cousin named Aubrey McClendon. Upton and Whirlpool take Lake Michigan lakeshore from the public for a resort for the wealthy; McClendon copies his cousin Fred on nearby lakeshore land. In both cases, local residents cooperate with the corporation (in Berrien) and the two billionaires.
When a billionaire wants lakeshore land, a show of law enforcement must be brought in to intimidate the commoners.
Despite vocal opposition, Saugatuck Township accepts dune settlement with Aubrey McClendon July 23, 2011
"...Board members took less than 30 minutes to agree to the settlement deal.
'I think the whole thing tonight was a sham. They simply ignored the people who spoke who were overwhelmingly against the development and the settlement,' said Harris.