Benton Harbor NAACP
Contact: Abisayo Muhammad
Number: (269) 861-6506
Rev. Pinkney asks Gov. Granholm to allow new City Manager to implement existing plan
In response to Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm’s decision to allow a state takeover, the Benton Harbor/Twin Cities NAACP Chapter expresses its full opposition to the decision. “We are in full support of the Benton Harbor City Commissioner’s appeal and are 100 percent against the state takeover,” said Rev. Edward Pinkney, president of the Local Chapter. “Controlling the finances means controlling the city, he said. “The City Manager needs to be given the opportunity to use his existing plan to bring us out of the red and the citizens of Benton Harbor should come together and stand behind him.”
Though the governor declared Feb. 27 that a state of financial emergency exists in City Hall--even as the state of Michigan has a projected 1.8 billion dollar shortfall, lost of over 1 million jobs, has endured recent protests during her state of the union address and by MSU students protesting education cuts--we believe Benton Harbor is being singled out.
Since the state review team reported to the governor that no satisfactory plan exists to resolve a serious financial problem in the city, City Manager Ron Carter has outlined a 62-item deficit elimination and financial stabilization plan; which includes plans to solve some problems criticized in the report.
Now is the time for the citizens who we represent; the poor, disenfranchised, down-trodden and forgotten to stand up and show support for our newly elected administration. They have fresh ideas that target decade-old problems, take responsibility for past errors and bring real and concrete solutions that have the potential to bring Benton Harbor in a position to becoming an up and coming cities of southwest Michigan. We agree with the Mr. Carter and respectfully ask that the state closely evaluate the progress that has been made and assist in making the existing plan a success.
For more information about the Benton Harbor/Twin Cities Chapter of the NAACP please email press secretary Abisayo Muhammad at or call (269) 369-8257.