Monday, February 16, 2009


Quoting Deuteronomy 28:14-22 to a Berrien County racist judge will bring down the wrath of the corrupt judicial system in Berrien County, Michigan on you.

My husband the Honorable Rev. Pinkney, learned a very valuable lesson about the judicial system. The pastor has gone from the bowels of the Berrien county jail to Jackson prison, one of the worst prisons in the country, to now home. He was given 3 to 10 years in prison for quoting Deuteronomy to Berrien County racist Chief Judge Alfred Butzbaugh. who is known for practicing racism.

During the hearing on June 26, 2008 Judge Dennis Wiley said : I did not feel threatened by Rev Pinkney, but his connection to GOD was too great. Judge Dennis Wiley made this statement on June 26, 2008 DURING THE SENTENCING! Attorney Davis said: as far as I know Rev. Pinkney is the first preacher in America to get put in prison for quoting the bible; Rev. Pinkney’s conviction for quoting the bible was an execution said Marian Kramer of the Welfare Rights Organization and organizer of a meeting in Detroit to plan a strategy for freeing Rev Pinkney.

My husband’s legal problems date back to 2005 when BANCO (Black Autonomy Network Community Organization) which he heads, successfully recalled Benton Harbor corrupt city commissioner Glen Yarbrough. Glen Yarbrough is part of a historic black family with close ties to Berrien County government but with cloudy reputations in the community. Their history includes persistent reports of substance abuse rumors, of drug dealing to minors, and known physical attacks on others. Yarbrough survived the recall despite rejection by voters 300 to 246. Yarbrough was saved because Whirlpool, Harbor Shores Developers, County Judges, Prosecutors and the Sheriff all challenged the result of the recall election, raided the clerk’s office and seized the voting records from the county clerk office. A month later Berrien County Judge Paul Maloney threw out the election even though there were only three votes that were said to be tainted. Judge Paul Maloney was promoted to a federal judgeship by President George Bush for his action.

Racism in Berrien county is out of control. We have had several cross burnings in the last year. A member of the sheriff’s department shot a black man in the back for no reason. A black man was choked to death by a policeman. Another man was hit by a police car when he was on a motorcycle. A 16 year old black boy disappeared in all white St. Joseph only to be pulled from the river days later - Judge Dennis Wiley was one of the last to see McGinnis alive. This is the same Judge Dennis Wiley who sentenced my husband 3 to 10 years in prison for quoting the Bible. My husband was released on an appeal bond on December 24, 2008. I want everybody to know you better keep you mind on your freedom and freedom on your mind. There must be unity. YOU COULD BE NEXT!

Dorothy Pinkney