Mon., 2 Feb. 2009 WSJM Radio
Studies Project Economic Potential Of Harbor Shores
The impact that Harbor Shores can have on Benton Harbor business development was the focus of a roundtable meeting between Cornerstone Alliance leaders and a number of consultants on Monday. [THE MEETING WAS CONSISTENT WITH WHAT THEY HAVE BEEN DOING FOR AT LEAST TEN YEARS, POSSIBLY MANY MORE: PLANNING HOW TO DRIVE AFRICAN-AMERICANS COMPLETELY OUT OF BENTON HARBOR.]
Two studies were recently done on how Harbor Shores should go about encouraging business development downtown. [BH RESIDENTS ARE NEVER, EVER INCLUDED IN ANY PLANNING OF THIS TYPE.]
Cornerstone's Wendy Dant Chesser says that Harbor Shores is about more than just building a golf course...and planners want to use it to foster development beyond its own boundaries: [CHESSER IS RIGHT: IT'S ABOUT THE ILLEGAL, HOSTILE TAKE-OVER OF JEAN KLOCK PARK, BENTON HARBOR'S BEACH.]
Goals for development in Benton Harbor were outlined at the meeting. They extended all the way through 2025, when consultants said the city should have developed labor force conditions that match the rest of the state. [IE, NO BENTON HARBOR WORKERS, AND AN ALL-WHITE WORK FORCE. LET'S MATCH THE STATE, BUT FORGET ABOUT THE NEEDS OF BENTON HARBOR.]