On Oct. 27 the Michigan State Police questioned Benton Harbor chief of police Al Mingo *without permission from Whirlpool* on the theft of 2 guns and multiple police radios by BH police officers. State Police also released details of their investigation to the media. Unbelievably, Capt. Mays, the commander of the State Police Post in Bridgeman was forced, most likely by WPool, to apologize to chief Mingo for the questioning.
Despite the apology, the State Police are going ahead with a three part investigation of the BHarbor police: 1. guns stolen by police 2. selling cars on ebay which were stolen by police from BH residents 3. recently indicted officer Andrew Collins planting drugs on Benton Harbor residents for many years. (Collins arrested more BHarbor citizens than any other cop; he always kept drugs at the ready in his pocket for possible planting on citizens. His illegal behavior was known throughout the dept., by all the chiefs, by most BHarbor residents - many of whom have suffered immeasurably from his actions, and certainly by WPool and the Berrien County Courthouse - who possibly encouraged his illegal actions?)
Congratulations to the State Police for moving ahead with this work. There is a reason why Whirlpool controls law enforcement to behave a certain way in Benton Harbor,
but completely differently in most of the rest of the county. It's been way too long that Whirlpool's boot has been on the neck of Berrien County, along with the assistance of Rep. Fred Upton.
City Manager Richard Marsh was hired by Whirlpool and does not yet quite understand how things work in Berrien County. One thing he seems to have learned, however, is to leave chief Mingo completely alone to do WPool's bidding.
Dorothy Pinkney