Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Keep in Mind: The next 2 articles are from the WP company paper

Commission denounces project foes

Resolution reaffirms officials’ support for Harbor Shores [this phony document

would not be "necessary" if Benton Harbor residents actually supported Harbor Shores. Who in BH possibly could? --besides those profiting from it...]
H-P 7/15/08
BENTON HARBOR — In case anyone didn’t already know it, the Benton Harbor City Commission supports Harbor Shores.

[Whirlpool wouldn't have it any other way.]Commissioners voted 6-­2 on Monday to approve a res­olution that confirms their support for the $430 million golf, housing and resort de­velopment that is planned to stretch across 530 acres in Benton Harbor, Benton Township and St. Joseph.
The [Whirlpool-controlled]commission voted in early June to approve leas­ing 22 acres of the city­owned Jean Klock Park for three holes of the develop­ment’s Jack Nicklaus Signa­ture golf course. The Na­tional Park Service is reviewing the agreement.
The resolution commis­sioners
approved Monday is purely a symbolic gesture that Commissioner

Eddie Marshall, who penned the document, said is necessary to affirm the commission’s decision and encourage uni­fied community support for Harbor Shores.
“It is the desire of the City Commission to have unity among all of its constituents in support of bringing forth the full benefit and opportu­nities the Harbor Shores de­velopment will provide to the residents, businesses and visitors of our city, including its presence in Jean Klock Park,” the resolution reads. “It is also the desire of the City Commission and its residents that have faith and zeal for this project to move forward without hindrance or delay for the good of our citizens.
“Any action against this effort by all others will be deemed an affront to our leadership, the well-being of

our citizens and the good in­tent of our partners.”[Is this a threat?]
The resolution was on the agenda for last week’s City Commission meeting, but commissioners tabled it because Marshall was not at the meeting to answer questions about its word­ing.
Mayor Wilce Cooke and Commissioner Juanita Henry voted against the resolution. Commissioner David Shaw was not at the meeting.
Henry and Cooke said the commission already has vot­ed to support Harbor Shores and added that anyone who opposes it has a right to do so.
“We’ve already given let­ters of support to Harbor Shores up the ying yang here,” Cooke said.
“If somebody disagrees with your decision, this is America, that’s OK,” Henry added.
“We’ve also got a right as a body to say how we feel,” Commissioner Ricky Hill said.
Several commissioners took the opportunity

to criti­cize opposition to Harbor Shores’ presence in Jean Klock Park.
The commission also vot­ed Monday to hire legal counsel for a lawsuit filed last week that challenges the legality of using the park for a golf course.
Marshall said those oppos­ing Harbor Shores have “an interest in division.”
Commissioner Ralph Crenshaw called it a “sin” to try to undercut the au­thority of the commission, adding that opposition to Harbor Shores has come from a “small group that doesn’t represent the major­ity.”
Commissioner James Hightower said people from outside Benton Harbor “shouldn’t have a say” about the city’s affairs.
“They don’t know what we’re dealing with in Benton Harbor.”
Commissioner Bryan Jo­seph said several communi­ties would jump at an oppor­tunity like Harbor Shores and said he has not heard of any better ideas for revital­izing Benton Harbor.
“I’m 48 years old, and I’m tired of waiting,” Joseph said.
“People who do not sup­port this project: Either lead, follow or get out of the way, because I’m sick of it.” [Mr. Joseph, please see the article below by Pastor Mary Gault]