Sunday, March 04, 2007

Pinkney Re-Trial Begins Tues. March 13

On February 26, 2007 I drove to Lansing with a group
of supporters and filed a complaint with the FBI against
Berrien County Sherrif's Dept. Sgt. Detective Dannefelt
who bribed 3 witnesses during my trial last year which
ended in a hung jury.

March 6th there will be an evidentiary hearing at the
Berrien County Courthouse at 8:30 AM for the
presentation of the findings for the challenge, filed
in an earlier motion (January 25), that minorities are
systematically underrepresented on Berrien County
juries. The racial composition of juries in Berrien
County are rarely more than 1 in 30 potential jurors
Black, although Blacks are 15.5% of the population
of the county. The Judge did not release the tens of
thousands of jury ques­tionnaires from the last three
years to analyze statistically the racial composition
of the juries in Berrien County until February 16th.
Judge Butzbaugh should rule that a delay for my
trial is in order until the system can be fixed and
that there is adequate representation of Blacks on
the Berrien County juries. Judge Butzbaugh, however,
has already stated that the trial will go on as

Important: The Berrien County Prosecutors will hold
my re-trial beginning on Tuesday March 13, 2007, 8:45am.
Please attend if you can.

Thank you for your consideration,
Rev. Edward Pinkney, 269-925-0001

Legal fee donations to:
1940 Union St.
Benton Harbor, MI 49022